Barometer from the 1st Empire period (1804 - 1815).

Barometer from the 1st Empire period (1804 - 1815).


Height: 97 cm Width: 60 cm Depth: 10 cm

Barometer in carved and gilded wood. At the base a globe surmounted by an eagle with a spread wing surrounded by a crown of oak leaves and acorns. The eagle is framed by flags, one of the flags bears the initial "L" (for Louis XVIII) having replaced the imperial “N” (for Napoleon) on the return of the Bourbons in 1815. Falls decorated with bunches of grapes and fruit.
Signed “Sormany at the Palais Royal”.
XIXth century.
According to Torricelli (1608 - 1647).

Stands 57 & 58, Aisle 1
+33 (0)6 74 29 84 33



19st century

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Barometer from the 1st Empire period (1804 - 1815).

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