Bouquet of anemones and fruits. Emile Colinus 1884-1966 painter and engraver born and died in Paris.
Table signed lower right. Painted on its original canvas. The Montparnasse frame patinated in white is from the same period.
Emile Colinus studied painting at the School of Fine Arts, at the Academy of Montmartre in the studio of Ferdinant Cormon and that of André Lhote, learning about modern painting, influenced by different currents, the Impressionists and the School of Pont-Aven.
Interpreter of Parisian landscapes, he expresses there a certain poetic melancholy. His still lifes are painted with a very free style, marked by outlines with black lines that emphasize the colors.
He participated very early in the autumn fairs, independents and French artists. From his many trips to France, mainly Normandy, he brought back many landscapes, but it was Provence that allowed him to express himself with bright and luminous colors.
Abroad he is admired in Spain in Madrid and in Denmark in Copenhagen.
Our painting, a beautiful still life with a bouquet of anemones and fruits placed on a carpet offers us a palette of very bright, rich and vibrant colors.
The painting is worked with a knife, the outlines of the fruits are specified by a black line, its style is strongly inspired by that of Gauguin and Suzanne Valadon.