Superb porcelain dish, signed Tressemanes & Vogt, polychrome enamel depicting a young woman in profile in the central medallion, French work from the end of the 19th century. XIXth century, circa 1882-1907.

Superb porcelain dish, signed Tressemanes & Vogt, polychrome enamel depicting a young woman in profile in the central medallion, French work from the end of the 19th century. XIXth century, circa 1882-1907.




Superb porcelain dish, signed Tressemanes & Vogt, polychrome enameled depicting a young woman in profile in the central medallion, surrounded by a golden fleur-de-lys with a rim in shades of old pink/taupe enhanced, also in gilding, with floral ornaments and mesh motifs. French work from the end of the XIXth century, circa 1882-1907.

This magnificent dish completely loses its usual value in favor of its aestheticism of remarkable quality and finesse, like a real painting. This very common typology is particularly popular at this time and allows the Art Nouveau style to develop its beginnings with characters dressed in troubadour fashion, that is to say inspired by a fantasized medieval past. This chivalrous and pious time meets the expectations of the contemporaries of the XIXth century, somewhat overwhelmed by the acceleration of the pace of life in line with technical progress, wishing, as in Art and Craft and Pre-Raphaelitism in the United Kingdom (1848-1900), Symbolism in France (1870-1890) and the Nazarenes in Germanic countries, to rediscover values ​​of yesteryear that were more authentic in their eyes.

In France, some names like that of the ceramist Edmond Lachenal (1855-1948) develop similar pieces. In our case, the production comes from Limoges, from the collaboration of Emilien Tressemanes and Gustave Vogt, the know-how and technical mastery are of very high quality, many works being designed for export to the American market.

In addition to the interest in detail through the meticulous execution of the drawing's lines, its decorative aspect is also rendered thanks to the rich polychromy that composes the whole, from the green of the dress, to the nuances of the cotton shirt, from the midnight blue depth of her headgear, to the pinkish-red of the halo framing her delicate youthful face.


– Diameter: 34 cm

Stand 130, Aisle 1
+33 (0)6 60 21 33 42

19st century


Art Nouveau

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Superb porcelain dish, signed Tressemanes & Vogt, polychrome enamel depicting a young woman in profile in the central medallion, French work from the end of the 19th century. XIXth century, circa 1882-1907.

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