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48 results displayedSorted from newest to oldest
Fireplace trims
Napoleon III Fireplace Trim – XIXth Century
Fireplace trims
Gilt bronze fireplace surround, Louis XV style – XIXth century
Fireplace trims
Louis fireplace surround XVI Raingo Brothers circa 1880
Fireplace trims
Gilt and Patinated Bronze Fireplace Trim – Priapus and the Bacchic Children – Circa 1880.
5.400,00 € -
Fireplace trims
Denière, in Paris - Children at the Study. Large Clock in Gilt Bronze and Marble XIX
8.100,00 € -
Fireplace trims
Bronze trim signed by Deniere, XIXth century
Fireplace trims
Fireplace trim, Napoleon III, XIXth century
Fireplace trims
Fine fireplace trim XIXth century
Fireplace trims
Bronze fireplace surround and Sèvres plaque, XIXth century
Fireplace trims
Exceptional gilded and chiseled bronze fireplace surround.
Fireplace trims
Gilt Bronze and Porcelain Fireplace Trim, Napoleon III Period
Fireplace trims
Miniature fireplace trim end XIXth century
Fireplace trims
Fireplace trim, Circa 1860.
Fireplace trims
Large fireplace decoration with cupids, Paris, Circa 1855
Fireplace trims
Victorious Love Mantelpiece, circa 1870
Fireplace trims
Napoleon III Fireplace Trim, Circa 1870
Fireplace trims
Gilt bronze fireplace surround
Fireplace trims
Marble fireplace surround in spelter, XIXth century
Fireplace trims
Beautiful fine orientalist fireplace surround XIXth century
Fireplace trims
A Renaissance style trim in fine gilt bronze XIXth century
Fireplace trims
Fine enamel and gilded bronze trim XIXth century
Fireplace trims
Fireplace set and its two subjects, XIX th century
Fireplace trims
19th century Napoleon III cloisonné and enamelled bronze trim
Fireplace trims
Napoleon III 19th century trim
Fireplace trims
Sèvres biscuit fireplace surround, XIXe
Fireplace trims
Louis style fireplace surround XVI
Fireplace trims
Fireplace trim, Deniere movement